A dental crown is a cap-shaped restoration that is expertly crafted to cover and protect a damaged tooth. Whether the tooth has extensive decay, fractures, or has undergone a root canal treatment, a dental crown can restore its strength, shape, and appearance. At Angel’s Care Dental, we utilize state-of-the-art materials, such as high-quality ceramic or porcelain, to create crowns that closely resemble your natural teeth in color, texture, and translucency. Our skilled dental professionals ensure a precise fit and bond the crown securely to your tooth, providing long-lasting durability and restoring your confidence in your smile.

Dental bridges are fixed prosthetic devices used to replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of crowns on either side of the gap, anchoring artificial teeth in place. The crowns act as support and provide stability, ensuring proper function and aesthetics.

Our team at Angel’s Care Dental meticulously designs and creates bridges that seamlessly blend with your existing teeth, ensuring a natural-looking smile. We take precise measurements and utilize advanced materials to craft bridges that are durable, comfortable and designed for your needs.

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