Bruxism, characterized by teeth grinding or clenching, can lead to excessive tooth wear, tooth sensitivity, headaches and jaw pain. At Angel’s Care Dental, we understand the impact of bruxism on your oral health and overall well-being. Our expert dental professionals craft custom occlusal guards that are specifically designed to fit your teeth, providing a cushioning effect and acting as a barrier between your upper and lower teeth.

The process begins with a detailed assessment of your dental condition and symptoms. Our dental professionals take precise measurements and impressions of your teeth to create a custom occlusal guard that fits comfortably and securely. This custom fit ensures optimal effectiveness and allows for a peaceful night’s sleep or relief during times of stress.

By wearing our occlusal, you can percent direct tooth-to-tooth contact, reducing the risk of tooth wear and damage. The guards absorb the forces generated by grinding or clenching, alleviating the symptoms associated with bruxism and promoting a healthier jaw and dental alignment.

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