Root canal treatment involves a series of steps to address the infection or damage within the tooth. Our team will begin by carefully accessing the tooth’s interior, reaching the infected dental pulp. The infected dental pulp is then removed, and the root canals are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to eliminate any bacteria or debris. This process ensures the removal of the source of infection and prevents further damage to the tooth.

After cleaning and disinfection, the root canals are carefully filled with a special material that seals them, preventing reinfection. This step is crucial in preserving the tooth’s structure and preventing the need for extraction. In some cases, a crown is placed over the treated tooth to provide added protection, strength, and a natural appearance.

By undergoing root canal therapy at Angel’s Care Dental, you can experience pain relief, eliminate infection, and preserve your natural tooth. Our goal is to save your tooth, restore your oral health, and maintain your smile’s functionality.

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